Throughout this section, caregiver is used to represent parents, legal guardians, grandparents, and whomever is the primary caregiver for a student.
The opportunities educators have for relationships with students’ caregivers can leave them vulnerable to compassion fatigue too. The drivers of compassion fatigue around caregivers can be very similar to those that drive compassion fatigue around students. When we come to understand the trauma families face, try to meet unrealistic expectations of those relationships, and/or feel ineffective in building positive relationships with caregivers, it can lead to behaviors that are signs of compassion fatigue. We do not have to look far to hear educators blaming caregivers, using the home life as an excuse for lowered expectation of students, and not wanting to get to know the family context of their students. Of course, the same is true in reverse. It is not uncommon to hear caregivers blaming educators for the challenges their children face and spending time building fences rather than bridges.
Compassionate Connection to Caregivers Activity – activity for a staff meeting
Bringing It All Together Through My Hands — An activity to summarize compassion and self-compassion found in the document to distribute in the information section of the toolkit
Staff Circle Agenda, Section Twelve
Communicating with Caregivers When There is a Challenge – Handout and possible role-play activity
What to do when I feel attacked by a parent? – Professionally Speaking Article
This is an example of setting compassionate boundaries with caregivers.
Stages of Change Applied to Caregiver Conversations
You can find all documents in this section included in this pdf for easy printing.
The documents included are numbered individually, not as one document.
Leadership Considerations specific to Community Engagement – Youtube
How do you engage families, caregivers, and community members in this work? Hear how this leader stresses the importance of involving everyone in this work by having conversations and engaging those to keep their compassion resilience as a priority.