Compassion Resilience Toolkit For Parents and Caregivers

How to Implement

This toolkit offers free information, activities, and resources for parents and caregivers to understand, recognize, and minimize the experience of compassion fatigue and to increase compassion resilience perspectives and skills as they relate to parenting.

Broken into eight sections, this toolkit is meant to be implemented in a group setting with parents and caregivers. Ideally, the group would meet on a regular basis for eight, 90-minute sessions (for example, once a week for eight weeks).

Each section has an article to distribute to participants before the session, a circle agenda for facilitation and documents that support the activities and discussions in the circle agendas. The circle agendas are designed for groups of five to ten participants.

Having space to support and learn from one another as parents and caregivers is a great way to build one’s compassion resilience.

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